Monday, October 28, 2013

Spider Research Project

Let's be honest... the kids are the only ones who enjoy this project. Moms don't really care for looking at tons of pictures of spiders and I, for one, can guarantee I do not like looking at 22 different posters, covered in spider photos and facts all over my room! However, the little people are worth it. I'll admit, after last year's projects were all said and done, I did have a TINY bit more appreciation for the little critters. That doesn't mean I still don't arm myself with the strongest hold hairspray in my arsenal when a Wolf spider decides to take a detour through my restroom. *And just so you know, Windex works GREAT!*
I digress... projects are due this week. If you absolutely cannot get them turned in by Wednesday, Friday will be fine without any penalties. I'll hang them in our hallway for ONE WEEK- then they go home. That's about as long as I can handle it before I start to have nightmares! LOL!
I have NO idea why I can't get this thing to sit upright!

Homework Sheet October 28-November 1

Looks like a BUSY week!
Red Ribbon Week, Halloween Party, Spider Research Projects (**shudder!!!**)... Goodness!
 I know it looks like a lot of homework, but it's really just a lot of words!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The History of Troy, Texas

This past week, we were finally able to view pictures of what Troy, TX looked like over 100 years ago! Our littles really enjoyed it because it's exciting for them to see the town they live in look completely different than what is "normal to them"!
I've attempted to upload it so that you can see what they experienced. If the link to doesn't work, please let me know and I'll do my best to figure out a way to make it work!
Click here
When the Shutterfly page opens, click on "View Album", then "Play Slideshow".

Homework Sheet October 21-25

At least these words are a little better than last week's! ;)
Let me know if you have any questions about this week's changes.
**PLEASE ignore the errors on the HW sheet!
My brain isn't ready to function fully until Monday morning!**
Choose 1 activity each night (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) to make a tic-tac-toe.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

These Words are Hard!

Fair warning... these words might take a little more practice than the previous lists have. Our pre-tests  weren't too stellar, but we will be working on them in class as well!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Spelling Equations Homework

I have no idea why I can't get this image to sit up straight!
Just in case your child didn't come home with their spelling homework tonight, it was left in their mailbox. After I came back to the classroom from putting the kids on the bus, I noticed several little people didn't get their mail, which included their homework! Responsibility is a tough lesson to learn, isn't it?!

If your child made it home with their Spelling Equations sheet and is confused about whether or not Y should be considered a vowel, here's a good trick to remember:
Every word has to have a vowel and a consonant to be considered an actual word. In words like MY and HYMN, the Y is the vowel. But, in CITY, for example, it's just another consonant. Hope that helps!

Monday, October 7, 2013


Hi Families!
I've been trying for over a week to get the conference times sent home to you! Between my own sick kids and everything going on at school, I just haven't been able to do it.
Conferences are Monday, October 14 beginning at 12:00 and ending at 6:00pm. The students won't have school that day. Each conference is scheduled for 15 minute intervals. If you have a child in another grade and that conference is already set, let me know so I can have your 2nd grader's before or after. The only time that's already taken is 5:30. All of the others are still available. I'll do my very best to send home the times I have allotted for you by the end of this week. If it doesn't work, simply let me know and we will find a time that does.

Homework Sheet October 7-11

Sunday, October 6, 2013


We need germ-X! With the stomach virus all around us, we need as much prevention as we can get! We've been fairly lucky so far, with only a couple of students coming down with the bug.
Unfortunately, we only received a few bottles of antibacterial gel at the beginning of school. At the time, it wasn't a problem. But now that the ickies are everywhere, we want to keep them out of our room as much as we can!
If you can help send some to class, it would be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

No Math Homework Tonight!

OOPS! Before I fall asleep and if anyone is checking to find out if what your kids are telling you is true... YES! They did not have homework from me tonight!
Since Mrs. Ramirez begged me to use her homework sheet this week, ***she accidentally printed out an insane amount of copies***, I'm not accustomed to her homework agenda! I completely forgot to look and by the time the littles reminded me, we were ready to hit the door!
No worries!