Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pushing the Spelling Envelope One More Month

After all of the positive feedback I received regarding the spelling tic-tac-toe homework, we are going to keep at it and see if it's something the littles can stick with for a while.
I could tell they were getting tired of the same choices, so I created a new tic-tac-toe board that's JUST for the month of November! We will only have three weeks of spelling, so there's definitely enough choices to do something different! Please remind your child they can only do one square one time; it's not fun if you're just doing the same thing over and over again!
Instead of copying the board on the back of the homework sheet, I'm only going to copy it once onto the back of the November calendar. Please make sure the students' calendars stay stapled in their folders. With the tic-tac-toe board on the back, all you'll need to do is simply flip it up, choose one, and draw a line or a check-mark on the completed square. Have fun!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

It's November!

Finally, my FAVORITE month of the year is upon is! We survived Halloween, the sights, smells, and sounds of Thanksgiving are fast approaching, and of course, Christmas is just right around the corner! {Not to mention, there's a birthday for me in the middle of all that fun!}
I'm sure there will be updates to the calendar, so please understand if your child has to hand-write something!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Spider Research Project

Let's be honest... the kids are the only ones who enjoy this project. Moms don't really care for looking at tons of pictures of spiders and I, for one, can guarantee I do not like looking at 22 different posters, covered in spider photos and facts all over my room! However, the little people are worth it. I'll admit, after last year's projects were all said and done, I did have a TINY bit more appreciation for the little critters. That doesn't mean I still don't arm myself with the strongest hold hairspray in my arsenal when a Wolf spider decides to take a detour through my restroom. *And just so you know, Windex works GREAT!*
I digress... projects are due this week. If you absolutely cannot get them turned in by Wednesday, Friday will be fine without any penalties. I'll hang them in our hallway for ONE WEEK- then they go home. That's about as long as I can handle it before I start to have nightmares! LOL!
I have NO idea why I can't get this thing to sit upright!

Homework Sheet October 28-November 1

Looks like a BUSY week!
Red Ribbon Week, Halloween Party, Spider Research Projects (**shudder!!!**)... Goodness!
 I know it looks like a lot of homework, but it's really just a lot of words!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The History of Troy, Texas

This past week, we were finally able to view pictures of what Troy, TX looked like over 100 years ago! Our littles really enjoyed it because it's exciting for them to see the town they live in look completely different than what is "normal to them"!
I've attempted to upload it so that you can see what they experienced. If the link to doesn't work, please let me know and I'll do my best to figure out a way to make it work!
Click here
When the Shutterfly page opens, click on "View Album", then "Play Slideshow".